To be as clear as I know how: I make it my conscious, daily choice not to hate anyone. And though I call out bad policy and bad ideas as I see them, I try not to attack the people behind those ideas. (Sometimes I fail at that. I'm human.)
That said, there are many people out there who feel comfortable throwing bricks at anyone and everyone, but who get a major case of butt hurt when anyone criticizes them or their ideas. Well, here's a shocker for those people: I'm not trying to win them over or convince them of anything. They're just going to keep being anti-everything, and I'm not wasting energy on trying to change that about them.
On the other hand, for those Americans who are tired of the way things are going, but who still want to hold onto some optimism that tomorrow could be better than today, I'm here with you. I believe in you. And I think we do have a chance.
There have been times in the history of American presidential elections when the very unlikely happened. Historians don't need names, but they will recognize dates like 1860, 1876, 1948, 1972, 2000, 2016. (Not all of those were good outcomes, but they were all cases where unexpected events brought unexpected results.)
I believe in the Founding Documents of the United States. The Declaration of Independence says, " ... but whenever any form of Government becomes abusive of these ends [the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it ... it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." The Constitution provides a mechanism for doing just that. And the Bill of Rights gives us a framework to avoid tyranny.
So, am I insane to be running this campaign for President of the United States? Well, maybe. But I don't think so. I know I'm pushing an enormous rock up a very steep hill. And absent some earthshaking, unexpected result, I won't make it over the top.
But just imagine this: What if this is one of those years when the unexpected -- the unimaginable -- happens? What if this is the year when the two teams who have done so much damage to our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights just finally cave in from the greed and the rot inside?
If that happens, don't you want someone positioned who wants to be a servant, rather than a king? Don't you want someone positioned who believes the people actually can win? Someone who passionately wants to find a path where all Americans really do have equal protection under law, as the 14th Amendment promised? (A promise that has never yet been fulfilled, but which is one of our most noble goals, by the way.)
You might think that hoping for such things is "throwing away your vote." I've heard that from people who can't see the possibility of the unexpected. If that's you, and I can't convince you otherwise, then I wish you well and we have no more business here.
But if you think there's even the smallest chance that 2020 could just possibly be the year when the big dogs tear each other up and the unexpected becomes reality, I'm asking you to get onboard and help us be prepared for that chance. Because if we're not ready, it will just pass us by.
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Ken Armstrong for President
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Ken Armstrong for President 2020
Earl L. Schenck, Treasurer