Tuesday, December 17, 2019

You can make history today!

I have never written you a more urgent message.
Please read this whole thing. I need you now!

As we burn off the last few days of 2019, with your help, we have accomplished the unlikely and are poised to do the impossible.

We have broken through barriers we were told were impenetrable, and now -- on this very day -- this campaign becomes a force to be reckoned with. No longer are we just trying to push the door open. We have succeeded in blasting the door off the hinges, and for the next five months, we will be finishing the groundwork for the Libertarian Party nomination for President of the United States!

And regardless of what the media wants to tell you, or what the two corrupt giants -- two Goliaths masquerading as political parties -- want you to believe, this will be the greatest opportunity for third-party success since Abraham Lincoln won in 1860. Day by day, we see the two big dogs tearing each other apart in a Machiavellian drama that is long overdue. The corruption and hunger for power on both sides is being unmasked.

And day by day, the scenario becomes much more real that an obscure, modern-day "shepherd boy" could take down not just one Goliath, but two!

All thanks to the generous support that has kept us on the road for more than seven months, meeting with people in a grassroots campaign like our country hasn't seen in too many years.

Ken Armstrong's campaign is a national phenomenon!
When we took to the road in May, few in the Libertarian Party had ever heard of me, though my work with the party began more than two decades ago. Until this year, I thought I could best use my skills in local county office (where I was twice elected) and by working behind the scenes on causes that impact personal freedoms and liberty. Because of that, step one was to let people know who I am and the unique set of skills I have acquired.

Construction worker in the Arctic. Newspaper columnist. Media consultant on terrorism issues. Community college instructor. Nonprofit executive. Weinberg Fellow.

And then there's my experience in the highest levels of government. Not only do I know how our system works, but I have observed firsthand the mistakes and failures that have led us to our dangerous, troubled place in the world today ... My history: Credentialed to the White House Situation Room for media relations on a major human smuggling case. NATO base commander and NATO/U.N. adviser for Rules of Engagement. Special representative to the Pelagie Islands for the U.S. Consul General at Palermo, during the Second Gulf of Sidra Incident. Federal healthcare executive working with the Surgeon General of the United States. In charge of humanitarian response on the island of Kauai, following the devastation of Hurricane Iniki. A unique blend of military officer with top secret training in defense from attack, leadership in critical situations, and an advocate for restraint in use of force.

Since my come-from-behind win at the Libertarian Party Presidential Debate in Olean, New York a little over a month ago, I have been confirmed for presidential primary elections in California, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, and petitions are being prepared for the New York primaries. These primaries don't select the nominee in the same way the Democrats and Republicans do. Instead, they are advisory votes in advance of our Libertarian Party national convention, which will select the party's nominee by delegate action this coming May in Austin, Texas. In the meantime, I'm also slated for debates in several other states where this campaign will just continue to pick up steam.

We have proved that money isn't the only thing that matters. We have accomplished all of this on a tiny fraction of what the Democrats and Republicans are spending. To date, the campaign has cost us thousands rather than millions of dollars.

BUT we won't be able to move forward without huge support TODAY!

Please! Before 2019 slides into the history books, be sure you're making history with us! If you're an American citizen and not a federal employee or federal contractor, you're entitled to give up to $2,800 per campaign (married couples can give up to $5,600). Whatever you can give, it's absolutely critical to the future of this campaign that you click here and give right now.

Don't let this opportunity slip past us!

Thank you!

Ken Armstrong
Libertarian for President

Paid for by
Ken Armstrong for President 2020
Earl L. Schenck, Treasurer

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chance Favors the Prepared

It seems I need to repeat myself often for certain contrarians who simply want to twist words and tear things down. These people exist within my own political party, and within the Reds and the Blues.

To be as clear as I know how: I make it my conscious, daily choice not to hate anyone. And though I call out bad policy and bad ideas as I see them, I try not to attack the people behind those ideas. (Sometimes I fail at that. I'm human.)

That said, there are many people out there who feel comfortable throwing bricks at anyone and everyone, but who get a major case of butt hurt when anyone criticizes them or their ideas. Well, here's a shocker for those people: I'm not trying to win them over or convince them of anything. They're just going to keep being anti-everything, and I'm not wasting energy on trying to change that about them.

On the other hand, for those Americans who are tired of the way things are going, but who still want to hold onto some optimism that tomorrow could be better than today, I'm here with you. I believe in you. And I think we do have a chance.

There have been times in the history of American presidential elections when the very unlikely happened. Historians don't need names, but they will recognize dates like 1860, 1876, 1948, 1972, 2000, 2016. (Not all of those were good outcomes, but they were all cases where unexpected events brought unexpected results.)

I believe in the Founding Documents of the United States. The Declaration of Independence says, " ... but whenever any form of Government becomes abusive of these ends [the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it ... it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." The Constitution provides a mechanism for doing just that. And the Bill of Rights gives us a framework to avoid tyranny.

So, am I insane to be running this campaign for President of the United States? Well, maybe. But I don't think so. I know I'm pushing an enormous rock up a very steep hill. And absent some earthshaking, unexpected result, I won't make it over the top.

But just imagine this: What if this is one of those years when the unexpected -- the unimaginable -- happens? What if this is the year when the two teams who have done so much damage to our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights just finally cave in from the greed and the rot inside?

If that happens, don't you want someone positioned who wants to be a servant, rather than a king? Don't you want someone positioned who believes the people actually can win? Someone who passionately wants to find a path where all Americans really do have equal protection under law, as the 14th Amendment promised? (A promise that has never yet been fulfilled, but which is one of our most noble goals, by the way.)

You might think that hoping for such things is "throwing away your vote." I've heard that from people who can't see the possibility of the unexpected. If that's you, and I can't convince you otherwise, then I wish you well and we have no more business here.

But if you think there's even the smallest chance that 2020 could just possibly be the year when the big dogs tear each other up and the unexpected becomes reality, I'm asking you to get onboard and help us be prepared for that chance. Because if we're not ready, it will just pass us by.

Learn more and support Ken at www.armstrong2020.com

Ken Armstrong for President

Ken Armstrong is a former nonprofit executive and Weinberg Fellow of Hawaii Pacific University. He has dealt with issues like housing, poverty and mental health in the U.S. and internationally. He has served as a NATO base commander, and as representative to the Pelagie Islands for the U.S. Consul General at Palermo. As a federal healthcare executive, he worked with the Surgeon General of the United States. As a contingency planner, he was nominated as Federal Executive of the Year.


Paid for by
Ken Armstrong for President 2020
Earl L. Schenck, Treasurer

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

from the heart ...

"You're crazy! Are you out of your mind?!"

Yes, those were my words when Ken first talked to me about running for President. I think I even said, "Of the United States?"

Well, most of my friends and family know that I was never a political person, had no interest in politics, and always felt like my little voice would never count in government issues.

Being on the road for 78 days (yes, I counted) has changed my thinking. I've had many opportunities to listen to people in organized meetings and events, coffee shops, diners, retail stores and living rooms -- a lot of them.

Over the months, we ran into people who are happy with the government, and those who didn't really have an opinion, but a comment commonly made was about the degree of hate in our country -- division, no civility, and how we are polarized.

Those comments confirmed one of our reasons for campaigning. We want to help the country begin to heal. To start having respectful conversations. Reminding people that it's okay to disagree, but we don't have to attack and hate people.

I strongly believe if we work together to make changes and set examples, great things will happen. You've heard the phrase, "It takes a village." Well, it does, and in this case, it takes all of you.

We need to get back to doing the heavy lifting, like the "Greatest Generation," or those who have
made great sacrifices for equality. We need to start caring about each other and the truth about what's happening to our nation. Government decisions do affect your life, and the lives of your children and grandchildren.

This is an educational tour for me. I've learned so much, and meeting people from all walks of life has been an incredible experience. (Duke has made a lot of friends, too. Everyone loves Duke the Wonder Dog!)

We need to get our message out. We don't have millions of dollars to spend on ads, but we have you. Your donations will help us move forward, to stay in the game.

Ken has been invited to events in 2020. We need your help. Listen to the podcasts. Share the blogs and posts. And please ... please ... donate generously now. We need you.

Thank you for your support.

Love and blessings,

Serious Concerns over Trump Economy

This report just in from GOP-friendly Fox News concerning the Fed's reduction of the benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points, "citing weakening exports and low inflation."

==== Fox News Report ====
"Although household spending has been rising at a strong pace, business fixed investment and exports have weakened. On a 12-month basis, overall inflation and inflation for items other than food and energy are running below 2 percent ...

"The dot plot that accompanied the decision showed the FOMC's next move is expected to be a rate hike. Meanwhile, the summary of economic projections upgraded the 2019 forecast for GDP growth by 10 basis points to 2.2 percent, while predicting unemployment would be worse, at 3.7 percent, than previously expected."(1)
==== End ====

Despite the chest-pounding in the White House over the "booming economy," economists continue to worry about signs of economic slowdown. Last month, stocks reacted negatively to news of the notorious "2-10 rate inversion" in T-Bills, and today the Fed announced that it will likely resume balance sheet growth(2), apparently as a hedge against a potentially weakening economy.

The news could be very bad for the momentum of the President's reelection juggernaut. A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll also found that 60 percent of Americans believe a recession is somewhat or very likely to happen sometime over the next year.(3) As news of the economic damage being done by the President's trade war with China becomes more widespread(4), more potential voters are looking for someone besides Trump to be their banner carrier.

As my readers know, I believe the solution to China's trade dominance and currency manipulation is to open new trade markets around the world, eliminating the lingering results of the unfair trade advantages the United States gave to China with "Most Favored Nation" trading status. Freedom, not more government control, is the solution to our economic woes.


(1) https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/federal-reserve-system-interest-rate-cut-september-2019
(2) https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/18/powell-says-its-possible-the-fed-will-have-to-resume-balance-sheet-growth.html
(3) https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/whats-going-on-with-trumps-approval-rating/
(4) https://www.foxbusiness.com/…/u-s-china-trade-war-fedex-hurt

Friday, August 2, 2019

Question #1: What is your top priority as President?

A word before we begin: Ken Armstrong is serious about the development of policy, and his statements are detailed. For those who aren't interested in those details, he will provide a brief summary answer at the beginning, each time he answers a question. For those who want more, the summary will be followed by a more expanded explanation.

"What will be your number one priority in office? The top issue."

Summary -- Here's the Short Version

I'm glad we're starting with this question, because it's the key to how I will approach every issue as President. There are many things I'm concerned about -- immigration, health care, the environment, national security and defense, drugs, taxes, poverty, and more. I do have plans for all of those issues, but none of those will ultimately matter in the long run, if we don't resolve the essential crisis facing us as a nation. If our republic fails and we devolve into tyranny, nobody will care what Ken Armstrong wanted to accomplish on those other issues.

SO ... My top priority is in two parts that must be worked on at one time: 

  • Part One is to return control of our government to the People, including a lot of power that the framers of the Constitution never intended for the President to have. '
  • Part Two -- not separate, but integral to Part One -- is to heal the dangerous cultural divide in our country, that the two major parties have been cynically encouraging (and even creating) in order to hold onto their power.

And Here -- More Details

Part One

It is part of the elegant beauty of the Constitution that nobody gets their way all of the time. As strongly as I feel about issues, I would hate to live in a country where I as President got my way all of the time. That would be totalitarian, no matter how well-intentioned my motives were. The job of the President is to serve the people, not to control them.

President Lincoln famously concluded his Gettysburg Address with these words: " ... that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." We are living in a time when it falls to us to decide whether Lincoln's words are still true enough that we should be passionately committed to them. It is no exaggeration to say that I have put my entire life on the line this year, to passionately pursue that vision of Abraham Lincoln.

Here are some steps that I believe are essential to returning the government to the People:

1. Immediately identify and give up powers that past presidents have accumulated, which the Constitution intended to belong to Congress, the states, and the People. Some of these powers are vested in the Congress, as the directly-elected representatives of the People. Other powers belong to the states and to the People. As your President, I will refuse to use power which doesn't belong in my office. Period.

An example of that power is the Emergency Powers Act, which has been used by presidents to pursue military intervention all over the world, without the declaration of war required by the Constitution. I will insist that Congress do their jobs, and I will seek a constitutional amendment that will give the Executive Branch only enough power needed to immediately defend the nation against a threat, but no more than that. In my inaugural address, I will advise Congress that they have thirty days to give me my orders as they are required to do, by declaring war if that is the right thing to do. I strongly expect that the Congress -- which is much more accountable to the People than the President is -- will not declare wars in every corner of the world where our brave men and women are serving in undeclared conflicts.

Without the declaration of war required by the Constitution, I will not use our young men and women's lives or our nation's treasure to pursue military adventures, no matter how well-intentioned they might be.

Another example is the so-called "Patriot Act," which is arguably one of the most un-patriotic acts in the history of our republic. The American people are entitled under the Constitution to due process and equal protection. When government gives itself tools to circumvent those rights, the tools will eventually be used for evil ends, if they haven't been already. If we don't protect the rights of the People, then protecting national security is a meaningless sham.

2. Eliminate the power that the President and Congress have to use closure of government for their political ends. I will work for a constitutional amendment which puts in place automatic continuity of essential government services, taking away the power to hold the government hostage. I will also support legislation which prohibits the President from withholding otherwise-available services from Congress (e.g., withholding transportation in available government aircraft). These measures are intended to eliminate "standoff" situations for political purposes, and to require the President and Congress to work together for the welfare of the People. (See Note 1 at the end.)

3. Review the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946 and related law, to ensure that the Executive Branch isn't legislating through use of federal regulations, which would be a violation of the Constitution, and that Congress isn't abdicating its duties for oversight of government.

4. I will refuse to use Executive Orders to amend or ignore laws that have been duly passed by Congress. This is an unconstitutional abuse of power that negates the will of the People expressed through their elected legislators. Similarly, I will not use "agreements" between the United States and foreign governments to circumvent the constitutional authority of Congress to approve treaties. These short-cut maneuvers, while generally expedient in accomplishing goals, result in more accumulation of power by the President and less voice for the People.

5. All of the forgoing is based on the assumption that Congress is doing their jobs, which has not been the case for many years. I will use the power of what Teddy Roosevelt called "the Bully Pulpit" to encourage Americans to take the election of House and Senate more seriously, and to elect people who will reflect their wishes and values in the way that they govern. If the Executive Branch is to serve the American People by executing the laws passed by Congress, we must shed a very bright light on Congress itself. Transparency in government is an appropriate role of the President -- transparency in the White House as well as on Capitol Hill.

Part Two

Divesting the President of unintended and unconstitutional powers will result in a less dominant Oval Office. Not, of course, that the President won't have power. The Executive is an inherently powerful branch. However, by giving up the powers mentioned above, and by shining a bright light of transparency on my own branch as well as Congress, I will put a burden on myself and on Congress to do the heavy lifting necessary to govern according to the will of the People.

Regardless of partisanship and politics, the leaders of Congress will be kept fully aware of White House business, and will be welcome to interact in the development of policy and action items in the Executive Branch. This is an appropriate exercise of their constitutional oversight role, which helps to ensure that the President is acting according to the will of the People.

When I am President, the American People will not be required to justify the free exercise of their rights. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments have largely been gutted over the past century, giving the impression that the government grants rights to the People, when exactly the opposite is true. My Cabinet will be directed to remember that their job is to serve the People, not to control them.

As President, I will strive to bring together people of different values and voices, as long as they are willing to interact with respect for others. While there is no doubt there will be disagreement on many issues, and I will most assuredly stand strongly for what I believe, dissenting views will be encouraged and the people expressing those views will be afforded the dignity they deserve. By stripping the Presidency of power it should not have, I will force myself and my successors to act less like demigods and more like servants of the people.

This transparency and openness will also result in a more balanced and less authoritarian government. People will have more control over their own lives to the extent that they don't infringe on others' rights. Coupled with our other policy positions (see Note 1, below), we will encourage every American to seek their own ideal of freedom and prosperity.

Note 1: This blog deals only with giving accumulated power back to the People. Issues such as tax reform will be dealt with in a separate blog.

Paid for by
Ken Armstrong for President 2020
Earl L. Schenck, Treasurer